Business Letter Pro 2006 5.2

Phần mềm tạo nhanh các mẫu English Business Letter - các lĩnh vực marketing, tư vấn, kế toán, thư ký, dịch vụ khách hàng, quan hệ công chúng…

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  • Accounting & Finance: raise capital, apply for grants, improve accounting methods, sell or buy shares, and improve your relationship with your banker.
  • Complain & Apology: complain about goods and bad service, eliminate misunderstandings, stop illegal use of properties, and explain mistakes on customer service.
  • Cooperate & Legal: protect your Intellectual Property, protect company secrets, better negotiate your office lease, and use By-laws, shareholders Agreement & Articles of Incorporation to setup your business.
  • Marketing & Sales: increase your sales with better communication, improve response time to customer inquiries, plan a marketing campaign, send a press release, and sign distribution/partnership deals.
  • Personnel & Employees: hire/fire employees, contractors and consultants, write detailed company policies and procedures, prepare professional job descriptions, conduct personnel evaluations, manage your workforce, and sign confidentiality agreements.
  • Proposal & Request: request and sign agreements reselling products, and expand your market reach with co-branding opportunities and affiliate marketing.
  • Thanks & Greetings: congratulate success of cooperation, express satisfaction with certain products or service, notice new customer account opening and acceptance of suggestion or affiliation, and give greeting on a special day.

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Cái này có Version Date: Oct 01, 2005, chắc là trước khi bị sửa đổi nên mình đã đăng ký thành công bằng cái mà bạn nmt1978 giới thiệu ở bài đầu.

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