Đã có ROM mới cho Cingular 8525 (09/04/2007)

Chào các bác, hôm nay vào trang support của Cingular thấy có ROM mới cho Cingular 8525 nhưng vì chưa bao giờ chạy ROM upgrade nên không dám thử, bác nào có kinh nghiệm thử rồi share cho mọi người với. Đường link của nó đây :


Thông tin đây :


Why update the ROM on your device?The latest ROM version includes added features that will help you get more out of your device!

What is included:

New Daylight Saving Time rules.
Push To Talk
Cellular Video
“Wireless Modem” is replaced with “Internet Sharing”.
AT&T Music
Includes Music player, Shop Music, Music ID, Streaming Music, Music Video and Community.
Access to MediaNet via WiFi without having to change the device connection settings.
Network Icons have been updated:
Show E icon when EDGE is detected.
Show 3G icon when UMTS is detected.
X-Button application-
Allows the user to determine what the X button does when tapped (close program or minimize program). This will help the user manage available memory
Branding will be updated to reflect AT&T rather than Cingular.

Hướng dẫn nè bạn http://www.handheldvn.com/forum/showthread.php?p=450169#post450169